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Evidence-based educational resources for healthcare providers on cardiogenomic topics.

Factor V Leiden 

Point of care tool: Contains when to offer genetic testing and management recommendations for asymptomatic carriers. (Jan 2023)

GECKO on the run: A 3-page, evidence-based summary for healthcare providers. Features a bottom line, red flags to consider genomic consultation or testing, surveillance and management recommendations. (Jan 2023)

GECKO deep dive: A 4-page, comprehensive evidence-based resource for healthcare providers. Features a bottom line, red flags to consider genomic consultation or testing, surveillance and management recommendations, references and more. (Oct 2014)

Familial hypercholesterolemia 

Point of care tool: A toolkit containing point of care information on diagnosis, genetic testing and management of familial hypercholesterolemia. (March 2024)

GECKO on the run: A 4-page, evidence-based summary for healthcare providers. Features a bottom line, clinical features, Canadian diagnostic criteria, surveillance and management recommendations. (March 2024)

GECKO deep dive: An 9-page, comprehensive evidence-based resource for healthcare providers. Features a bottom line, clinical features, diagnostic criteria, surveillance and management, references and more. (Feb 2024)

Heritable Thoracic Aortic Disease

Point of care tool: 1-page, features a bottom line and criteria for genetic assessment. (July 2024)

GECKO on the run: A 2-page, evidence-based summary for healthcare practitioners. Features a bottom line, clinical features, criteria for genetic assessment, possible genetic results, surveillance and management. (July 2024)

GECKO deep dive: A 6-page, comprehensive evidence-based resource for healthcare practitioners. Features a bottom line, clinical features, criteria for genetic assessment, benefits and limitations of genetic testing and possible results, surveillance and management, references and more. (July 2024) 

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 

GECKO on the run: A 3-page, evidence-based summary for healthcare providers. Features a bottom line, red flags to consider genetic consultation, benefits and limitations of genetic testing, references and more. (June 2014; under review)

Point of care tool: Outlines the evaluation and management of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. (June 2014; under review)

Long QT syndrome 

GECKO on the run: A 3-page, evidence-based summary for healthcare providers. Features a bottom line, QTc cut-offs, red flags to consider genetic or cardiac consultation, benefits and limitations of genetic testing, surveillance and management, references and more. (Aug 2016; under review)

Point of care tool: Contains a brief overview of long QT syndrome and the red flags for how to identify the condition and the individuals who would most likely to benefit from referral to genetics and a cardiac arrhythmia specialist. (Oct 2016; under review)


Specialized Lipid Centres (courtesy of FH Canada)

Genetic Aortic Disorders Canadian clinics (courtesy of Genetic Aortic Disorders Association Canada)

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Description automatically generated Ehlers-Danlos Society

The Ehlers-Danlos Society is a global community of individuals, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and supporters, dedicated to saving and improving the lives of those affected by the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS), hypermobility spectrum disorders (HSD), and related conditions.

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Description automatically generatedCanadian Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes (SADS) Foundation

SADS refers to a variety of cardiac arrhythmia disorders which are often genetic and can be responsible for sudden death in young, apparently healthy people. Canadian Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes (SADS) Foundation, a registered Canadian charity, is a patient advocacy group in Canada dedicated to supporting families affected by inherited cardiac rhythm disorders.

HiRO Hearts in Rhthym Organization (HiRO)

The Hearts in Rhythm Organization (HiRO; pronounced hero) is a network of individuals dedicated to improving awareness and understanding of inherited cardiac conditions, standardizing care in Canada and preventing the tragedy of sudden cardiac death. Founded by Dr. Andrew Krahn in 2016, we started as a grassroots community of like-minded clinicians wanting to make a difference for Canadians affected by unexplained sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), and have grown into an organization that includes researchers, healthcare providers, family members and patients.


Description automatically generated FH Canada Familial Hypercholesterolemia

Canadian FH Registry is to bring together a multi-disciplinary group of physicians, basic and clinical researchers to improve the delivery of care to patients with severe lipoprotein disorders, especially FH, and to foster collaborative research.

GADAcanadaGenetic Aortic Disorders Association of Canada  (formerly the Canadian Marfan Association)

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