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Breast cancer screening

Colorectal cancer screening

Prenatal genetic screening

Newborn screening

Breast cancer screening

Links accessed April 2023

         Alberta Breast Cancer Screening Program

         British Columbia Cancer Breast Screening

         Manitoba BreastCheck

         New Brunswick Breast Cancer Screening Program

         Nova Scotia Breast Screening Program

         Prince Edward Island Breast Screening Program

         Newfoundland and Labrador Breast Screening Program

         Ontario Breast Screening Program

   High Risk Ontario Breast Screening Program

         Québec Breast Cancer Screening Program

         Saskatchewan Breast Cancer Screening guidelines and resources

         Yukon Mammography Program

         Northwest Territories Breast Cancer Screening

Colorectal cancer screening

Links accessed April 2024

         Alberta Colorectal Cancer Screening Program

         British Columbia Cancer Colon Screening Program

         Manitoba ColonCheck

         New Brunswick Colon Cancer Screening Program

         Nova Scotia Colon Cancer Screening Program

         Prince Edward Island Colorectal Cancer Screening Program [

         Newfoundland and Labrador Colon Cancer Screening Program

         Ontario ColonCancerCheck

         Quebec Colon Cancer Screening

         Saskatchewan Colorectal Cancer Screening guidelines and resources

         Yukon ColonCheck 

         Northwest Territories Colorectal Cancer Screening

Prenatal genetic screening

Links accessed May 2024

Prenatal screening programs vary across Canada, including methods and non-invasive prenatal testing funding criteria. Click on a link below to see what is available for your region. 


         Early Risk Assessment program (for those in Calgary area and southern Alberta) 

         Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) funding information

         With services for Northwest Territories and Nunavut (Kitimeot)

British Columbia Perinatal Services Prenatal Genetic Screening Program

         Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) funding information

         With services for Yukon

Manitoba Prenatal genetic screening and diagnostic services

         Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) funding information

         With services for Nunavut (Kivilliq)

Maritimes Prenatal Genetic Screening and Diagnosis services

         Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) funding information

         Those in New Brunswick can discuss with maternal-fetal medicine specialist

Newfoundland and Labrador

         Contact your local genetics centre

Ontario Prenatal Screening Ontario

         Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) funding information

         With services for Nunavut (Baffin)

Quebec Prenatal Screening Program

         Non-invasive prenatal testing funded as a Stage 2 test, see here for more

Saskatchewan Provincial program information

         Booklet for providers

         NIPT not currently publicly funded but is available as private pay

Northwest Territories




Newborn screening

Links accessed April 2023

In general, newborn screening uses a newborn blood spot samples for to screen for groups of conditions for which early identification and intervention prevent serious complications.

Conditions and methods of newborn screening vary across Canada. Click on a link below to see what is available in your region. 

Alberta, Northwest Territories and Nunavut (Kitimeot) 

British Columbia and Yukon 

Manitoba and Nunavut (Kivilliq) 

Maritimes (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island)

Newfoundland and Labrador

Ontario and Nunavut (Baffin)



         Provincial program information

         Handout for providers

         Note updated announcement adding spinal muscular atrophy

Conditions screened for may include:

Outside links to information on conditions provided by Newborn Screening Ontario. [Accessed May 2023]


Highlight: What are others reading about on GECKO

A Guide to understanding prenatal screening

A Guide to understanding prenatal screening

A resource developed for pregnant persons and their providers. Everything you wanted to know about screening from deciding whether or not have it, to results…

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Latest News

The GEC-KO team will be presenting at the 2021 University of Ottawa’s Annual Refresher Course

Have some questions about how Canada’s genetic non-discrimination act works and what it means for your practice?

Check out this 2022 article in Canadian Family Physician

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