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Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) and genomics

(these resources replace previous content on autism spectrum disorder)

GECKO on the run: A 4-page, evidence-based summary for clinicians. Features a bottom line, causes of NDDs including autism spectrum disorder and fragile X syndrome, benefits and considerations of genetic assessment and testing, when and how to offer first-tier genetic testing. (May 2024)

GECKO deep dive: A 21-page, comprehensive evidence-based resource for clinicians. Features a bottom line, causes of NDDs including autism spectrum disorder and fragile X syndrome, benefits and considerations of genetic assessment and testing, types of genetic investigations and results, when and how to offer first-tier genetic testing. (May 2024)

Point of care tool: To facilitate ordering first-tier genetic testing in your province. (June 2024)

Resource for patients and families – coming soon

GECKO aims to aid the practicing non-genetics clinician by providing informed opinions regarding genomic conditions, services and technologies that have been developed in a rigorous and evidence-based manner with periodic updating. The content on the GECKO site is for educational purposes only. No resource should be used as a substitute for clinical judgement. GECKO assumes no responsibility or liability resulting from the use of information contained herein. 

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A Guide to understanding prenatal screening

A Guide to understanding prenatal screening

A resource developed for pregnant persons and their providers. Everything you wanted to know about screening from deciding whether or not have it, to results…

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Latest News

The GEC-KO team will be presenting at the 2021 University of Ottawa’s Annual Refresher Course

Have some questions about how Canada’s genetic non-discrimination act works and what it means for your practice?

Check out this 2022 article in Canadian Family Physician

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