You can now register for the 2014 Family Medicine Forum in beautiful Quebec City! Early Bird Registration ends September 15th and saves 25% on registration fees!! The conference runs from November 13-15th, 2014 with a pre-conference day on November 12th.
Family Medicine Forum, or FMF, is Canada’s largest and most comprehensive annual conference for family physicians. This event is co-presented each fall by the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) and its Section of Teachers, Section of Researchers, and local host chapter. Attendees include CFPC member and non-member physicians, residents, international medical graduates, students, nurses, nurse practitioners, and other health care professionals attend FMF
Now in its 14th year and continually growing, FMF focuses on providing its thousands of attendees with three days of practical and thought-provoking professional development via several streams of continuing professional development (CPD) sessions.
In addition, FMF offers many special scheduled events and other informal social opportunities to recharge and network with peers and colleagues.
This year, FMF is being co-hosted by the Collège québécois des médecins de famille (CQMF).
We are very excited to be participating again this year!! Come and join us for our seminar,Untangling the helix: genomics for primary care providers. We will use a primary care case-based approach to discuss new advances in genomics and how they impact practice. Cases will include pediatrics (developmental delay/autism, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy/sudden death) and adult (Alzheimer disease, Factor V Leiden, multiple sclerosis) conditions. There will be time for a question and answer session so bring your clinical genetics questions. The seminar will be delivered by family physician, Dr. June Carroll, geneticist, Dr. Judith Allanson, and genetic counsellor, Ms. Shawna Morrison.
Stay up-to-date with the latest news from Canada’s premier family medicine conference on their website or follow their twitter account @FamilyMedForum.